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City of Stayton Resolutions
Resolution Index (Updated December 2023)
Resolution Index - Updated December 2023.pdf
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Resolutions 1100 to 1199
1100 Appointing Lucas Joyce to the Planning Commissions Student Position.pdf
1101 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Grant Agreement with the Federal Highway Administration for a Safe Streets and Roads for All Grant.pdf
1102 Awarding a Contract for the Construction of the W. Ida St Sanitary Sewer Replacement Project Phase 2 to the Saunders Company.pdf
1103 Adopting Changes to the FY24 Budget and Repealing Resolution No 1081.pdf
1104 Authorizing the Submittal of a Grant to the OSMBoard and Authorizing the Signing Contract with Marion County for the use of ARPA Funds.pdf
1105 Authorizing the Submittal of a Grant to the Oregon Department of Transportation Carbon Reduction Program.pdf
1106 Declaring the Citys Election to Recieve State-Shared Revenues.pdf
1107 Adopting the 2024-25 Budget Making Appropriations and Imposign and Categorizing Ad Velorem Taxes for the 2024-25 Fiscal Year.pdf
1108 Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to Sign the Collective Bargaining Agreement with AFSCME Local 3222.pdf
1109 Authorizing Signing IGA with Marion County Community Services for Community Prosperity Initative Funds.pdf
1110 Adopting Additional Fees Charges and Rates for the 2024-25 Fiscal Year.pdf
1111 Authorizing a 3 percent Merit Increase for the City Manager Effective July 1 2024.pdf
1112 Adopting Additional Fee Charges and Rates for the 2024 25 Fiscal Year.pdf
1113 Authorizing a New Ten Year Agreement for the Acceptance and Treatment of Wastewater from Sublimity to Stayton.pdf
1114 New Authorizers for MissionSquare 457 Plan.pdf
1115 Municipal Judge Contract Addendum.pdf
1116 Appointing Kim Dwyer to the Public Arts Commission.pdf
1117 Establishing the Nationals Incident Management System as the Standard for Incident Management in Stayton Oregon.pdf
1118 Adopting the City of Stayton Employee Handbook.pdf
1119 Amending the Rules Governing Rental and Use of City Facilities.pdf
1120 Authorizing the City of Stayton to Submit the Stayton Total Maximum Daily Load Report Matrix to the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality.pdf
1121 Awarding Contract for the Stayton Safety Action Plan.pdf
1122 Estabilishing a Comprehensive Street Improvement Funding Strategy and Amending the Fee Schedule to Increase the Street Fee.pdf
1123 A Resolution Authorizing Entering into a One-Year Contract with the Santiam Water Control District for Water Conveyance.pdf
1124 Accepting the Abstract of Electrion Results from the November 5 2024 General Election.pdf
1125 Appointing Brian Quigley as Mayor for the Remainder of the 2023 2026 Term.pdf
1126 Authorizing the Construction Contract to North Santiam Paving Co for the Riverfront Park South Parking Lot Project.pdf
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Resolutions 1000 to 1099
1000 Library Parks Pool Local Option Levy.pdf
1001 Authorization to Apply for OPRD Grant for Mill Creek Park.pdf
1002 FY 2019-20 Supplemental Budget.pdf
1003 Declaration of Emergency and Delegating Authority to City Manager COVID-19.pdf
1004 Stayton Employe Handbook.pdf
1005 Certifying Eligibility to Receive State Revenue Sharing Funds.pdf
1006 Electing to Receive State Revenue Sharing Funds.pdf
1007 Adoption of the 2020-21 FY Budget.pdf
1008 Authorizing Submission of Application for CDBG for COVID-19 Small Business Grants.pdf
1009 Fees and Charges for FY 2020-21.pdf
1010 Approving Changes to Utility Charges.pdf
1011 Approving Budget Adjustment to FY 2019-20.pdf
1012 Library Parks Pool Levy November 2020.pdf
1013A Naming of Parks and Public Facilities Designation of Memorials.pdf
1013B Approving Change of Indirect Control for Cable Franchise.pdf
1015 CDBG Rental Assistance Grant.pdf
1016 Temporary Policy for Use of ROW During COVID-19 Pandemic.pdf
1017 Support of Assisted Housing Programs.pdf
1018 Local Option Levy - Library.pdf
1019 Local Option Levy - Recreation Pool and Parks.pdf
1020 FY 2020-21 Budget Adjustment.pdf
1021 Redesignation of Enterprise Zone.pdf
1022 Certifying Eligibility to Receive State Revenue Sharing Funds.pdf
1023 Electing to Receive State Revenue Sharing Funds.pdf
1024 FY 2021-22 Budget.pdf
1025 FY 2021-22 Fees and Charges.pdf
1026 Approving Changes to Utility Charges.pdf
1027 Adopting Rules of the Stayton City Council.pdf
1028 Revised FY 2021-22 Budget.pdf
1029 FY 2021-22 Revised Fees and Charges.pdf
1030 Solid Waste Franchise Rates Republic Services.pdf
1031 Executive Session Media Attendance Policy.pdf
1032 Vacate PUE Santiam Station - Third Avenue.pdf
1033 Support and Authorization to Apply for a Water Project Grant from the OWRD.pdf
1034 Adopting Supplemental Budget for FY 2021-22.pdf
1035 Certifying Eligibility to Receive State Revenue Sharing Funds.pdf
1036 Electing to Receive State Revenue Sharing Funds.pdf
1037 FY 2022-23 Budget.pdf
1038 Approving Changes to Utility Rates.pdf
1039 Fees and Charges for FY 2022-23.pdf
1040 Authorizing City Manager to Sign Grant Agreement.pdf
1041 Authorizing the City Manager to Sign a Contract with Pixel Security.pdf
1042 Calling an Election on Nov 8 2022 to Refer to the Voter an Ord 1058.pdf
1043 Payment In-Lieu of Taxes Agreement - North Third Ave. Apartments.pdf
1044 TMDL Report Matrix to the DEQ.pdf
1045 Revised Fees and Charges for City Services FY 22-23.pdf
1046 Supporting and Authorizing the City of Stayton to apply for a CDBG from Marion County.pdf
1047 Accepting the Abstract of Election Results from Nov 2022 General Election.pdf
1048 Forming a Task Force to Address Homelessness and Appoint Members.pdf
1049 Naming the Stayton Dog Park the Henry A Porter Dog Park.pdf
1050 Appointing Rebecca Kelly Madylyn Tower Alternates to Homeless Task Force.pdf
1051 Award a Contract for Construction of W. Ida St. Sanitary Sewer Replacement.pdf
1052 Award a Contract for the 2023 Sewer Inspection and Maintenance Services.pdf
1053 Appointing Eileen Kamilos to the Library Board.pdf
1054 Appointing Stephen Sims to the City Council.pdf
1055 Approving a New OLCC Liquor License for La Sabrosa Taqueria.pdf
1056 Reappointing Brent Walker and Luke Cranston to the Budget Committee.pdf
1057 Formalizing Council Liaison Assignments.pdf
1058 Award a Contract for the Construction of the Wyatt Ave Improvement Project.pdf
1059 Appointing Damian Centanni to the Budget Committee.pdf
1060 Adopting Council 2023-2025 Council Goals.pdf
1061 Adopting Plan of Action in Response to 2021-22 Audit Findings.pdf
1062 Intergovernmental Agreement for Stayton Library Participation in CCRLS.pdf
1063 Appointing Councilor Sims to Adaptive Management Group.pdf
1064 Declaring the Election to Receive State-Shared Revenues.pdf
1065 Adoption of the 2023-24 FY Budget.pdf
1066 Fees and Charges for FY 2023-24.pdf
1067 Budget Appropriations for FY 2022-23.pdf
1068 Authorizing Lease for 2800 Kindle Way SE for Use as a Teen Center.pdf
1069 Authorizing Lease Modification for 2800 Kindle Way SE for use as a Teen Center.pdf
1070 Award Contract for Douglas Ave Watermain Project to Willamette Valley Excavation.pdf
1071 Authorizing Signing Lease with Enterprise Fleet Management.pdf
1072 Authorizing the City to Apply for a Local Bridge Program Grant Administered by ODOT.pdf
1073 TMDL Report Matrix to the DEQ.pdf
1074 Authorizing a Lease for Cinema Treasures to Operate the Star Cinema.pdf
1075 Establishing Rates for Solid Waste Management.pdf
1076 Authorizing a Franchise Agreement with Comcast.pdf
1077 Appointing Peter Bellas to the Planning Commission and Richard Lewis to the Parks and Recreation Board.pdf
1078 Authorizing an Agreement with the Santiam Water Control District for Water Delivery.pdf
1079 Authorizing Vacation of Pedestrian Easement at 1479 N. Evergreen Ave.pdf
1080 Reappointing Andrew Westlund and Pam Pugsley to the Parks and Recreation Board.pdf
1081 Authorizing the Budget Appropriation Adjustments.pdf
1082 Delegation of Authority to Mayor Quigley to Advocate on Behalf of City.pdf
1083 Adopting a Policy for System Development Charge Calculations in Connection with Commercial to Residential Conversions.pdf
1084 Adopting the City of Stayton Addendum to the Marion County Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan.pdf
1085 Authorizing Loan Application for Wastewater Upgrades.pdf
1086 Award of Contract for Storm Water Master Plan Update.pdf
1087 Adopting an Amendment to the 2023-24 Fiscal Year Fee Schedule Related to Water Rates.pdf
1088 Appointing Denise Busch and Leonard Hays to the Budget Committee.pdf
1089 Appointing Jonathan Penrice to the Budget Committee.pdf
1090 Accepting the Utility Rate Study for Water Wastewater and Stormwater to Inform and Guide Rates for FY 2425 through 2829.pdf
1091 Award of Contract for Wilco Road Industrial Area Stormwater Planning and Design Consulting Project.pdf
1092 Appointing Nicholas Raba to the Parks and Recreation Board.pdf
1093 Municipal Judge Contract Addendum.pdf
1094 Appointing Nicholas Raba to the Public Arts Commission.pdf
1095 Indicating Support for Joining the Small Municipalities Advocacy.pdf
1096 Authorizing Application for OPRD Grant.pdf
1097 Awarding a Contract For the Construction of the 2024 Street Maintenance Project to One Way Trigger LLC.pdf
1098 Adopting Fees Charges and Rates for the 2024 25 Fiscal Year and Repealing Resolution 1066.pdf
1099 Awarding a Contract for the Construction of the 2024 Ida Street Pavement and Water System Improvements.pdf
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Resolutions 900 to 999
900 Auth Changes to 2012-13 FY Budget.pdf
901 Fees and Charges for City Services.pdf
902 Solid Waste Mgmt Rate Increase.pdf
903 Amending the SDC for Wastewater.pdf
904 Facility Use Rules.pdf
905 Fee Schedule.pdf
906 Initiate Annexation of Street ROWs etc..pdf
907 Sanitary Sewer Rates.pdf
908 Storm Drainage Utility Fee.pdf
909 Referring Annexations to the Voters.pdf
910 City Administrator Evaluation.pdf
911 Certifying Eligibility to Receive State Revenue Sharing Funds.pdf
912 Electing to Receive State Revenue Sharing Funds.pdf
913 Adoption of FY 2014-2015 City Budget.pdf
914 Municipal Court Rules 2014.pdf
915 Budget Transfer 2013-2014.pdf
916 Fees and Charges 2014-2015.pdf
917 Marion County Extension and 4H Service District Support.pdf
918 Supplemental Budget for 2014-15 FY Pool Locker Room Remodel.pdf
919 Authorize Changes to 2014-15 FY Budget.pdf
920 Workers Compensation.pdf
921 Parks SDC.pdf
922 Water SDC.pdf
923 Wastewater SDC.pdf
924 Streets SDC.pdf
925 Storm Water SDC.pdf
926 Fees and Fines.pdf
927 Authorizing Changes to FY 2014-15 Budget.pdf
928 Eligibility to Receive State-Shared Revenue.pdf
929 Election to Receive State Revenues.pdf
930 2015-2016 FY Budget.pdf
931 OPRD Grant - Pioneer Park Ped Bridge.pdf
932 Fees and Charges 2015-2016.pdf
934 Initiating Process to Vacate Certain Alleys.pdf
935 DLCD Grant Application.pdf
936 War Veterans Memorial Grant.pdf
937 Referring Ord 992 to Voters.pdf
938 Referring Local Option Levy to Voters.pdf
939 Revisions to the Personnel Manual Relating to Termination Appeal Procedures.pdf
940 Budget Transfer - Storm.pdf
941 Bond Refinance.pdf
942 Budget Transfer - Parks Project.pdf
943 Eligibility to Receive State Shared Revenues.pdf
944 Election to Receive State Shared Revenues.pdf
945 Adoption of FY 2016-17 Budget.pdf
946 FY 2015-16 Budget Appropriation Transfers.pdf
947 Interfund Loan from Vehicle Replacement to Stormwater Fund.pdf
948 Fees and Fines 2016-17.pdf
949 Solid Waste Management Rate Increase Republic Services.pdf
950 HEAL City Support.pdf
951 Fees and Fines.pdf
952 Initiating Lambert Annexation.pdf
953 Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Referred to Voters.pdf
954 Request to Restore Recreational Immunity.pdf
955 Apply for TGM Grant.pdf
956 Eligibility to Receive State Shared Revenues.pdf
957 Election to Receive State Shared Revenues.pdf
958 Budget Adoption 17-18.pdf
959 Budget Transfers 16-17.pdf
960 Bonneville Environmental Foundation Grant Application.pdf
961 Referring Charter to Voters.pdf
962 2017 Fees and Charges.pdf
963 Facility Use Rules.pdf
964 Hazard Mitigation Plan.pdf
965 Fees and Charges.pdf
966 Initiating Annexation of Kindle Way Property and Amending Comp Plan.pdf
967 Abandonment of Portion of W. High Street.pdf
968 City Administrator Performance Review.pdf
969 Residential Rental Fee.pdf
970 Fair Housing Program.pdf
971 Extension of Wave Franchise.pdf
972 Workers Compensation.pdf
973 Relocation of the Community Garden.pdf
974 FOTS Support.pdf
975 Mobile Food Unit License Fees.pdf
976 CDBG - Execution of Contract.pdf
977 Fees and Charges 18-19 FY.pdf
978 Eligibility to Receive State Shared Revenues.pdf
979 Election to Receive State Shared Revenues.pdf
980 Budget Adoption FY 2018-19.pdf
981 UAL Retirement.pdf
982 Approving Changes to Utility Charges.pdf
983 Safe Routes to School Grant Application.pdf
984 Authorizing a Full Faith and Credit Borrowing and Related Matters.pdf
985 Amending Res 984 to Replace Adopting Clause.pdf
986 Authorizing OPRD Grant Application.pdf
987 Rules of the Stayton City Council.pdf
988 Budget Adjustments to FY 2018-19 Budget.pdf
989 Certifying Eligibility to Receive State-Shared Revenues.pdf
990 Declaring Election to Receive State-Shared Revenues.pdf
991 Adopting the FY 2019-20 Budget.pdf
992 Replacement Inflation Index for City Retirement Plan.pdf
993 Fees and Charges for FY 2019-20.pdf
994 Budget Adjustment 2019-20 for Endowment Contribution to Pool.pdf
995 Technical Assistance Grant for DLCD.pdf
996 Authorizing the City to Apply for a Feasibility Study Grant from OWRD.pdf
997 Amending the 2019-20 Fees and Charges to Include Sidewalk Vendor Fee.pdf
998 Initiating Vacation of Alley Between N. Second and N. Third Ave North of Hollister Street.pdf
999 Declaring City-Owned Properties as Surplus.pdf
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Resolutions 800 to 899
800 Adopt FY Budget 2007-08.pdf
801 Adjustments to 2006-07 FY Budget Library Computers.pdf
802 Extending Workers Comp Coverage for City Volunteers.pdf
803 Water Rate Increase.pdf
804 Sewer Rate Increase.pdf
805 Adoting Fees and Charges for City Services.pdf
806 Loan from Safe Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund.pdf
808 Facility Rules Repeals 748.pdf
809 Council Rules Revised Repeals 727.pdf
810 Cablevision Franchise from Uvision to Wave Division.pdf
811 Adjustments to 2006-07 FY Budget Homeland Security - Fencing Water Plant.pdf
812 Local Option Levy.pdf
813 Adjustments to 2007-08 Budget PW Admin and Community Center.pdf
814 Apply for OPRD - Community Park.pdf
815 Apply for TE Grant to ODOT to improve Marion Street.pdf
816 Transfer between funds to clear negative fund balances.pdf
817 Declaring the City Election to Recieve State Revenues.pdf
818 Certifying Stayton Eligibility to Receive State Shared Revenues.pdf
819 Adopt Fiscal Year 2008-09 Budget.pdf
820 Extending Workers Comp Coverage for City Volunteers.pdf
821 Water Rate Increase.pdf
822 Sewer Rate Increase.pdf
823 Adjustments to 2007-08 Budget.pdf
824 Adopting Fees and Charges for City Services.pdf
825 Revising Land Use Fees and Public Works Application Fees.pdf
826 Allied Waste Rate Increase.pdf
827 Establishing the PEG Access Commission.pdf
828 Adjustments to 2008-09 Budget - Sewer Fund.pdf
829 Adjustments to 2008-09 Budget - Facilities Development Fund.pdf
830 Adjustments to 2008-09 Budget - Water Construction Fund.pdf
831 Change of Street Name.pdf
832 Off-Premise Signs.pdf
833 Adjustments to 2008-09 Budget - Sewer Construction Fund.pdf
834 Adoption of Supplemental Budget for 2008-09 FY.pdf
834A Authorization to Apply for TE Grant from ODOT.pdf
835 Authorization to apply for OPRD Grant.pdf
836 Adjustments to 2008-09 Budget - Water and Sewer Funds.pdf
837 Amend City Administrator Evalution Process Repeals 694.pdf
838 Declaring Eligibility to Receive Revenue Sharing Funds.pdf
839 Declaring the Election to Receive State Shared Revenues.pdf
840 Adopt Fiscal Year 2009-10 Budget.pdf
841 Authorizing Changes to the Adopted 2008-09 Budget SDC Fund to Capital Outlay.pdf
842 Water Rate Increase.pdf
843 Revising Fees and Charges for City Services.pdf
844 Adoption of Revised Charter.pdf
845 Authorize Changes to the Adopted 2009-10 Budget Transfer Funds.pdf
846 Revise Facility Use Rules.pdf
847 Authorizing Changes to Adopted 2009-2010 Budget Sewer Construction Fund.pdf
848 N. Eighth Ct. in Roth Estates Subdvn to Orchard Ct.pdf
849 Apply for OPRD Local Govt Grant for Improvements to Pioneer Park.pdf
850 Authorization to Apply for TGM Grant.pdf
851 Enterprise Zone.pdf
852 Apply for 2011 TGM Grant.pdf
853 Supplental Budget for 2009-2010 FY.pdf
854 Declaring Eligibility to Receive Revenue Sharing Funds.pdf
855 Declaring the Election to Receive State Shared Revenues.pdf
856 Adoption of 2010 2011 FY Budget.pdf
857 ADA Improvements to City Facilities.pdf
858 Water Rate Increase 07 2010.pdf
859 - Sanitary Sewer Rate Increase 07 2010.pdf
860 City Administrator Evaluation Repeals 837.pdf
861 Transportation Enhancement Grant from ODOT 07 2010.pdf
862 Apply for Bike Ped Grant ODOT.pdf
863 Authorizing Bond Anticipation Note.pdf
864 Transportation Maintenance Fee.pdf
865 Referring to the electors annexation of 777 Shaff Road.pdf
866 Apply for OPRD Local Govern Grant Pion Pk.pdf
867 Stayton Riverfront Park Management Plan.pdf
868 Rate Increase Solid Waste.pdf
869 Budget Transfer 2010-2011 FY.pdf
870 Declaring Eligibility to Receive State Revenue Sharing Funds.pdf
871 Declaring the Election to Receive State Shared Revenues.pdf
872 Message Reader Board Rules.pdf
873 HRA VEBA Health Plan.pdf
874 Adopting 2011-2012 Budget.pdf
875 Supplemental Budget 2010-2011 FY.pdf
876 Fees and Charges for City Services.pdf
877 Dedication of Open Space Proposed Old Mill Village PMD.pdf
878 CDBG Housing Rehab Grant.pdf
879 City of Stayton Personnel Manual.pdf
880 - 2012 Local Option Tax.pdf
880 Local Option Levy.pdf
881 Authorizing Changes to Adopted 2011-2012 Budget.pdf
882 Auth Accept of rw ded 10th ave impv.pdf
883 Declaring Eligibility to Receive Revenue Sharing Funds.pdf
884 Declaring the City Election to Receive State Shared Revenues.pdf
885 Establishing Fund Balance Policies as required by GASB 54.pdf
886 Adoption 2012-2013 Budget.pdf
887 Extending Workers Compensation Coverage for City Volunteers.pdf
888 Initiating Annexation of Phillips Property.pdf
889 Fees and Charges for City Services.pdf
890 City-Initiated Annexation for Phillips Property - Refer to Voters.pdf
891 Consent and Approval for WaveDivision Change of Control.pdf
892 Wastewater Revenue Bond.pdf
893 Authorization to Apply for ODOT TE Grant.pdf
894 Authorizing Full Faith and Credit Borrowings to Refinance Wastewater Debt.pdf
895 Stayton Personnel Manual.pdf
896 Pioneer Park OPRD Grant.pdf
897 Declaring Eligibility to Receive State Shared Revenues.pdf
898 Declaring Election to Receive State Shared Revenues.pdf
899 Adoption of 2013-2014 FY Budget.pdf
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Resolutions 700 to 799
700 Transfer of Jurisdiction for a Portion of Fern Ridge Road.pdf
701 Authorizing City Administrator to Execute Agreement with LOC.pdf
702 Membership in City County Insurance Services Trust.pdf
703 Extension of Cable Franchise to August 6 2002.pdf
704 Membership in OPERS State and Local Government Rate Pool.pdf
705 Supplemental Budget for FY 2001-02.pdf
706 Assigning Impoundment and Disposition of Vehicle Fees Supercedes Resolution 648.pdf
707 Transfer Funds from Park SDF to Park Development Expense for Parks Master Plan.pdf
708 Fair Housing.pdf
709 Buildable Lands Inventory.pdf
710 Declaring Eligibility to Receive State Revenue Sharing Funds.pdf
711 Electing to Receive State Revenue Sharing Funds.pdf
712 Adopting Budget and Making Appropriations for FY 2002-03.pdf
713 Levying Taxes for FY 2002-03.pdf
714 Repealing Resolution No. 662 - Rates for Solid Waste Management.pdf
715 Extending Cable Franchise thru February 6 2002.pdf
716 Excessive Force Policies.pdf
717 Support of TPL Acquisition of Riverfront Property.pdf
718 Grievance Procedure RE Alleged Discrimination Based on Disability.pdf
719 Establishing Cable Access Commission Appointees.pdf
720 Extention of Cable Franchise thru August 6 2003.pdf
721 Declaring Opposition to HB 3977 - PSAP Consolidation.pdf
722 PERS Rate Challenge.pdf
723 Support of Youth Advocacy to Reduce Underage Drinking.pdf
724 Transfer Funds from eneral Fund Contingency to General Fund Pool.pdf
725 Trading Open Space for Park Land and Acquisition of Additional Property for Santiam Park.pdf
726 Authorizing OPRD Local Government Grant for Acquisition of Riverfront Park Property.pdf
727 Repealing Rule of Stayton City Council.pdf
728 Certifying Eligibility to Receive State Shared Revenues.pdf
729 Election to Receive State Revenues.pdf
730 Adopting Budget for FY 2003-04.pdf
731 Revising CIP List for Transportation SDC.pdf
732 Extending Uvision Cable TV Franchise to April 6 2004.pdf
733 Accepting Streets Sidewalks and Curbs within the Oakridge Vista Subdivision.pdf
734 Correcting Publication Error in Approved 2003-04 Budget.pdf
735 Extending Uvision Cable TV Franchise to October 6 2004.pdf
736 Declaring Eligibility to Receive Revenue Sharing Funds.pdf
737 Declaring the City Election to Receive State Shared Revenues.pdf
738 Adopting the 2004-05 FY Budget.pdf
739 Water SDC Capitol Project List.pdf
740 Milage Reimbursement Rates.pdf
741 Authorizing Expenditure for the Summer Reading Program - Friends of the Family Donation.pdf
742 Authorizing Execution of Loan Agreement No. 87590 with DEQ.pdf
743 Shaff Road and Cascade Hwy Pedestrian Improvement Project ODOT.pdf
744 Extending Workers Comp Coverage for City Volunteers.pdf
745 Adoption of the Transportation System Master Plan.pdf
746 Extending the term of the Uvision Cable TV Franchise.pdf
747 Authorizing Changes to the Adopted 2004-05 FY Budget.pdf
748 Update Facility Use Rules.pdf
749 Adoption of the Park and Recreation Master Plan.pdf
750 Exemptions to the Bid Process of the Stayton Public Contracting Code.pdf
751 Increase Loan Amount for Mill Creek Sewer Project.pdf
752 Authorizing Changes to Adopted 2004-05 Pool Fund Budget.pdf
753 Grant Application to OPRD for Stream Bank Stabilization Riverfront Park.pdf
754 Requested Increase in Solid Waste Disposal Fees.pdf
755 Adoption of Stayton Buildable Lands Inventory.pdf
756 Declaring Eligibility to Recive Revenue Sharing Funds.pdf
757 Declaring the Election to Receive State Shared Revenues.pdf
758 Election of Workers Comp Coverage of Volunteers.pdf
759 Adopting the 2005-06 FY Budget.pdf
760 Adjustments to Budget FY 2004-05.pdf
761 Amending and Restating Employee Retirement Plan.pdf
762 Water Rate Increase.pdf
763 Adjustment to Budget FY 2005-06.pdf
764 National Incident Management System NIMS.pdf
765 Clarification of Resolution 631 Increasing Investment Option for 457 Employee Deferred Comp Plan.pdf
766 Authorizing Changes to Adopted 2005-06 Water Fund Budget.pdf
767 Transportation System Plan.pdf
768 Adoption of Water and Wastewater Master Plans.pdf
769 Water Rate Increase.pdf
770 Sanitary Sewer Rate Increase.pdf
771 Extending Workers Compensation Coverage for City Volunteers.pdf
772 Authorizing Changes to the Adopted 2005-06 Budget.pdf
773 Certifying Eligibility to Receive State Shared Revenues.pdf
774 Declaring the Election to Receive State Revenues.pdf
775 Approve 2006-07 FY Budget.pdf
776 Approve Supplemental Budget for FY 2005-06.pdf
777 Technical Enhancement Grant.pdf
778 Restatement of City Retirement Plan.pdf
779 Authorizing Changes to Adopted 2006-07 Streets SDC Fund.pdf
780 Authorizing Changes to Adopted 2006-07 Swimming Pool Fund.pdf
781 Rate Increase for Solid Waste Management.pdf
782 Increasing Investment Options for City Employees.pdf
783 Standard Specification for Public Works Construction.pdf
784 Granting Tax Exemption to Santiam Heritage Foundation - Brown House.pdf
785 Amend Personnel Manual - Part Time Hours.pdf
786 Amend Parks SDC Charges.pdf
787 Award of bid to Pace Engineering - Riverfront Park Stabilization.pdf
788 Establishing Setting Rates for Co-Mingled Recycling.pdf
789 Authorizing Changes to Adopted 2006-07 Library Budget - Computers.pdf
790 Establishing a Schedule of Fees for Land Use Applications.pdf
791 Amend Transportation SDC Charges.pdf
792 Amend Wastewater SDC Charges.pdf
793 Amend Water SDC Charges.pdf
794 Amend Procedural Rules for Land Use Hearings.pdf
795 Facilities Master Plan.pdf
797 Authorize City to Apply for State Grant to acquire OWEB Conservation Easement at Riverfront Park.pdf
798 Certifying Eligibility to Receive State Shared Revenues.pdf
799 Declaring the Election to Receive State Revenues.pdf
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Resolutions 600 to 699
600 Approve Sale of Sewer Revenue Bonds to Rural Development.pdf
602 Transferring Appropriations for 1996-97.pdf
603 Adopting the Budget for 1997-98.pdf
604 Levying Property Tax for 1998.pdf
605 Repealing 604 Levying Property Tax for 1998 and Allocating Tax.pdf
606 Renew Contract with CIS for Liability and Auto Insurance.pdf
607 Amending Resolution 486 Rules of Stayton City Council.pdf
608 Line of Credit.pdf
609 Sewer SDC.pdf
610 Repealing Stayton City Council Rules.pdf
611 Supplemental Budget.pdf
612 Stayton-Sublimity Peer Court.pdf
613 Assigning Plan Revew Fees Inspection Fees and Permit Fees for Excavation - Grade.pdf
614 Sign Permit Fees.pdf
615 Sanitary Sewer Rates.pdf
616 Amending Personnel Manual - Mileage Rate for City Employees.pdf
617 Community Center Rental Rate Increase.pdf
618 Deferred Compensation Trust.pdf
619 Comprehensive Plan Change.pdf
620 Zone Change.pdf
621 Land Use Applications Fees.pdf
622 Declaring Eligibility to Receive Revenue Sharing Funds.pdf
623 Electing to Receive Revenue Sharing Funds.pdf
624 Water SDC.pdf
625 Parks SDC.pdf
626 Solid Waste Management.pdf
627 Transferring Appropriations for 1997-98.pdf
628 Adoption of Budget for 1998-99.pdf
629 Rules of Stayton City Council.pdf
630 Levying Taxes for 1998-99 FY.pdf
631 Adding Aetna Investments Inc. to Employee Deferred Comp.pdf
632 Parameters for Pool Bequest Funds.pdf
633 Loan to General Fund from Water SDC.pdf
634 Rules of Stayton City Council.pdf
635 Transportation SDC.pdf
636 Periodic Review of Comp Plan.pdf
637 Adopting Supplemental Budget for 1998-99 FY.pdf
638 Endorsing ODOT Hwy 22 US 20 Strategy Development Process.pdf
640 Rules of the Stayton City Council.pdf
641 Amend Rules Governing Use of Jordan Bridge and Other City Facilities.pdf
642 Certifying Eligibility to Receive State Shared Revenues.pdf
643 Declaring Election to Receive State Revenues.pdf
644 Amends Resolution 641 - Rules Governing Use of Jordan Bridge and Other City Facilities.pdf
645 Authorizing Transfer of Appropriations for 1998-99 FY.pdf
646 Adoption of Budget for 1999-2000.pdf
647 Levying Taxes for 1999-2000.pdf
648 Assigning Impoundment and Disposition of Vehicle Fees.pdf
649 Recategorizing Local Tax Option.pdf
650 Amending Resolution 625 - Parks SDC.pdf
651 Amends Personnel Handbook RE Sick Leave Donation.pdf
652 Year 2000 Resolution.pdf
653 OLCC approval procedures 1999.pdf
654 Assigning Water Rates.pdf
655 Granting Exclusive Franchise to Solid Waste Management to United Disposal Inc..pdf
656 Establishing Rates for Solid Waste Management.pdf
657 Loan to General Fund from Water Fund.pdf
658 Change in eligibility for Retirement Plan Severance Benefit.pdf
659 Legislative Text Amendments.pdf
660 Amending Resolution No. 635 Transportation System Development Charges.pdf
661 Repealing the Rules of the Stayton City Council.pdf
662 Repealing Resolution No. 656 Rates for Collection of Solid Waste.pdf
663 Repealing Resolution No. 551 and All Amendments to Date - Facility Use.pdf
664 Declaring Eligibility to Receive Revenue Sharing Funds.pdf
665 Eligibility to Receive Revenue Sharing Funds.pdf
667 Workers Comp Coverage for Volunteers.pdf
668 Workers Comp for Volunteer Police Personnel.pdf
669 Authorizing Transfer of Appropriations in General Fund for 1999-2000.pdf
670 Adopt Approved Budget as Amended and Make Appropriations for 2000-01.pdf
671 Levying Taxes for FY 2000-01.pdf
672 Authorizing Reimbursement of Funds from Parks SDF Fund.pdf
673 Transportation SDC for NW Farmers Insurance Group Federal Credit Union.pdf
674 Guidelines for Implementation of the Transportation SDC.pdf
675 Loan to General Fund from Sewer Enterprise Fund.pdf
676 Initiating Change in Comp. Plan Zone Designations at Santiam Station.pdf
677 Intergovernmental Agreement with North Santiam School District for DARE - SRO Officer.pdf
678 Ballot Measure 7 Compensation Application Deposit Schedule.pdf
679 City Administrator Evalution Criteria and Process.pdf
680 Transfer of Madlinger Trust to Santiam Community Endowment.pdf
681 Cost of Processing Applications for OLCC Liquor Licenses.pdf
682 Confirming Solid Waste Management Franchise Fee.pdf
683 Transfer of Cable TV Franchise from North Santiam Communications to Uvision.pdf
684 Extension of Cable TV Franchise to July 16 2001.pdf
685 Parks SDC Inflation Adjustment.pdf
686 Water SDC Inflation Adjustment.pdf
687 Sewer SDC Inflation Adjustment.pdf
688 Adoption of Phase 1 of the Periodic Review Work Program.pdf
689 Supplemental Budget for FY 2000-01.pdf
690 Setting TSDC for Siam House Restaurant.pdf
691 Electing Application for Entry to OPERS Local Government Rate Pool.pdf
692 Declaring Eligibility to Receive Revenue Sharing Funds.pdf
693 Electing to Receive Revenue Sharing Funds.pdf
694 Extending Workers Comp to Volunteers.pdf
695 Adopting Budget and Making Appropriations for FY 2001-02.pdf
696 Levying Taxes for FY 2001-02.pdf
697 Extending Cable Franchise to January 15 2002.pdf
698 Water Rate Adjustment.pdf
699 Water Refunding Bonds.pdf
Download file
Press the enter key or spacebar to expand or collapse the accordion
Resolutions 500 to 599
500 Amend Comp Plan RE UGB Policies.pdf
501 Civil Forfeiture Attorney Agreement R Shields.pdf
502 Rules Governing Facility Uses and Establish User Fees Repeals 485.pdf
503 Premium Conversion Benefit Cafeteria Plan.pdf
504 Advanced Refunding Water Bond Date.pdf
505 Authorizing Mayor - City Admin to sign ODOT Agreement.pdf
506 Transfer of Appropriations.pdf
507 Certify Eligibility to Receive State Shared Revenues.pdf
508 Election to Receive State-Shared Revenues.pdf
509 Endorsement of CCC Request for Rezoning.pdf
510 Endorsement of CCRLS Computer Levy.pdf
511 SDC Increase for Sewer.pdf
512 SDC Increase for Water.pdf
513 Library Fee Increase Amends No 496.pdf
514 Condemn Fery Property.pdf
515 OR Transportation Plan.pdf
516 Workers Comp Transfer to CIS.pdf
517 CIS Self-Insurance Resolution.pdf
518 Transfer of Appropriations.pdf
519 Adopt Budget.pdf
520 Levy Taxes.pdf
521 HELP 125 Plan.pdf
522 CIS Property Insurance.pdf
523 Initiates Comp Plan Amendments RE Criteria for Schools.pdf
524 Supplemental Budget.pdf
525 PERS Contract Amendment.pdf
526 Cable Regulation Authority.pdf
527 Amend Personnel Manual RE MLK BD.pdf
528 Transfer of Appropriations.pdf
529 Authorizing Mayor and City Admin to Sign ODOT Agreement.pdf
530 Establishing Policy RE OLCC Endorsements.pdf
531 Adopting Supplemental Budget for 1993-94.pdf
532 Certifying Eligibility to Receive State-Shared Revenues.pdf
533 Declaing Election to Receive State Shared Revenues.pdf
534 Amend Personnel Manual RE FSLA List.pdf
535 Transfer of Appropriations for 1993-94 FY.pdf
536 SDC for Water.pdf
537 SDC for Sewer.pdf
538 Locust St LID.pdf
539 Amending Rules of Council.pdf
540 Transfer of Appropriations for 1993-94 FY.pdf
541 Adopting Budget for 1994-95.pdf
542 Levying Taxes for 1994-95.pdf
543 Initiating Comp Plan Amendment for WWTP Zone.pdf
544 Exempting Bidding Requirements for Water Main.pdf
545 Adopting Fees and Charges for Library Services.pdf
546 Annexing Property at East End of E. Virginia.pdf
547 CIS Membership Pool.pdf
548 Criteria and Process for Administrator Evalution.pdf
549 Authorizing Sewer Revenue Bonds.pdf
550 Establishing City Fees Repeals 485.pdf
551 Establishing Rules - Charges for Facility Rental.pdf
552 Annexing WWTP Property.pdf
553 Authorizing FMHA Loan.pdf
554 Amending Personnel Manual RE Pay Periods and Pay Days.pdf
555 Establishing Parks SDC.pdf
556 Adopting Land Use Hearing Rules of Procedure.pdf
557 Amending Personnel Manual RE Retirement.pdf
558 Amending City Code and Creating Sign Regulations.pdf
559 Transferring Appropriations for 1994-95.pdf
560 Authorizing Incurrence of debt for WWTP.pdf
561 Intent to Pursue Acquisition of Additional Water Rights.pdf
562 Amending Community Center Use Rules.pdf
563 Authorizing Sale of Sewer Revenue Bond Anticipation Notes.pdf
564 bid Award for WWTP to Slayden Construction.pdf
565 Authorize Execute Fund Exchange Agreement for Ida and First Ave.pdf
566 Transfer Cable Franchise to SCS Communications.pdf
567 Authorizing Sale of Sewer Revenue Bonds.pdf
568 Certifying Eligibility to Recieve Shared Revenue Funds.pdf
569 Declaring Election to Receive Shared Revenue Funds.pdf
570 Transferring Appropriations for 1994-95.pdf
571 Adopting 1995-96 Budget.pdf
572 Levying Taxes for 1995-96.pdf
573 Amending Resolution 572 Levying Taxes for 1995-96.pdf
574 Amending Comp Plan - Zoning Map at 4th and Florence.pdf
575 Transferring Jurisdiction of First Avenue to Marion County.pdf
576 Amending Personnel Manual to Comply with State and Federal Law.pdf
577 Authorizing Sale of Sewer Revenue Funds.pdf
578 Authorizing Execute Cable Franchise Agreement.pdf
579 Certifying Eligibility to Receive Shared Revenue Funds.pdf
580 Declaring Election to Receive Shared Revenue Funds.pdf
581 Transferring Appropriations for 1995-96.pdf
582 Adopting Budget for 1996-97.pdf
583 Levying Taxes for 1996-97.pdf
584 Annexing Phase 3 Pioneer Meadows.pdf
585 Endorsing ORS Revisions RE OLCC Decisions.pdf
586 CIS Workers Comp Membership.pdf
587 Repealing Resolution 583 - Levying Taxes for 1996-97.pdf
588 CIS Property Insurance Pool.pdf
589 Amending Rules Governing Use of the Community Center Other City Facilities.pdf
590 Policy Prohibiting Ezxcessive Force in Civil Rights Demonstrations.pdf
591 Prohibiting Placement of Signs etc on City-Owned Property.pdf
592 Adopting Supplemental Budget for 1996-97.pdf
593 Prohibiting Imposition of Tax or Taxing Authority without Voter Approval.pdf
594 Term Limitations for Mayor and City Council See Notes.pdf
595 Repealing Resolution 593.pdf
596 Repealing Resolution 594 term limitations for the Mayor and City Councilors.pdf
597 Authorizing Enter into Transportation Agreement with ODOT.pdf
598 Certifying Eligibility to Receive Shared Revenue Funds.pdf
599 Declaring Election to Receive Shared Revenue Funds.pdf
Download file
Press the enter key or spacebar to expand or collapse the accordion
Resolutions 400 to 499
400 Supporting 3 percent Telephone Excise Tax.pdf
401 Rules of the City Council.pdf
402 Accepting Transfer of Cable Franchise from Santiam CableVision to Northland Cable Television.pdf
403 Agreement to Transfer 911 Funds to Santiam Canyon Communications Council.pdf
404 Establishing Lien Collection Policy.pdf
406 Declaring Election to Receive State Revenues.pdf
407 Certifying Eligibility to Receive State Shared Revenues.pdf
408 Creating an LID on Hollister from First to Third.pdf
409 Creating an LID on Virginia from 400 W Virginia to First.pdf
410 Creating an LID on Florences from Third to Fourth.pdf
411 Creating an LID on Fourth from Washington to Florence.pdf
412 Creating an LID on Fern Ridge from First east to City Limits.pdf
413 Creating an LID on Jefferson from Third to Sixth.pdf
414 Creating an LID on Washington from Evergreen to Gardner.pdf
428 Adopting Personnel Policies.pdf
429 Accepting a Bid for Purchase of GO Bond Indebtedness Water Reservoir.pdf
430 Appropriating Capital Outlay reservoir - distribution system.pdf
431 Authorizing Enter into Agreement for ODOT Funds for Development of Bikeway Master Plan.pdf
432 Authorizing Investment of Funds in Local Government Investment Pool.pdf
433 Authorizing Investment of Surplus Funds.pdf
434 Acknowledging Receipt of Fred Meyer Trust Funds for Library.pdf
435 Certifying Eligibility to Receive State-Shared Revenues.pdf
436 Declaring Election to Receive State Revenues.pdf
437 Rules of Council.pdf
438 Creating an LID for E. Santiam fro Highland Estates to Green Acre Ct.pdf
439 Adopting Rules for Community Center and Other City Facility Use.pdf
440 Establishing Fees for Copies and Public Records Disclosure.pdf
441 CIS Trust Self-Insurance Pool Membership.pdf
442 Adopting Numbering System for Stayton Municipal Code.pdf
443 Authorizing Transfer of Appropriations in General Fund for 1989-90.pdf
444 Adopting Budget and Making Appropriations.pdf
445 Levying Taxes for 1990-91.pdf
446 Accepting Bid for Purchase of GO Water Bonds Series 1990-B.pdf
447 Creating an LID for Fourth Ave from Florence to Power Canal.pdf
449 Supporting Protection of Oregon Jobs and the Forestry Industry.pdf
450 Appropriating Funds for 5 mg Reservoir and Distribution System Superseded by 453.pdf
451 Opposing Ballot Measure No. 5 Property Tax Limitation.pdf
452 Supporting Protection of Oregon Jobs and Agriculture Industry.pdf
453 Adopting Supplemental Budget Making Appropriations for 1990-91.pdf
454 Authorizing Transfer of Garbage Franchise from Stayton Sanitary Service to Santiam Sanitary Service.pdf
455 Rules of Stayton City Council.pdf
456 Confirming Status of Northland Cable Television as Cable Franchise.pdf
457 Designating Truck Routes.pdf
458 Authorizing Agreement for Lease - Purchase of Laptop Computers for Police Department.pdf
459 Certifying Eligibility to Receive State Shared Revenues.pdf
460 Declaring Election to Receive State Revenues.pdf
461 Applying for Special Allotment for First Avenue from Washington to Water.pdf
463 Initiating Comp Plan Amendment for Areas Adjacent to Water Treatment Facilities on First Avenue.pdf
464 Creating LID for Ida from Fourth Ave East to Mill Stream Wood.pdf
465 Adopting Approved Budget for 1991-92.pdf
466 Levying Taxes for 1991-92.pdf
467 Establishing a SDC for Water Supply Treatment Transmission and Distribution.pdf
468 Establishing a SDC for Wastewater Collection Treatment Disposal.pdf
470 Transfer of Appropriations in General Fund for 1990-91.pdf
471 CIS Trust Liability Risk Sharing Pool Membership.pdf
472 Exempting a Public Contract for Purchase of Communutor for Wastewater Plant from Bid Process.pdf
473 Designating October 1991 Disability Employment Awareness Month.pdf
474 Appointing - Charging Medical Insurancee Task Force.pdf
475 Complying with Marion County Tax Coordination Plan RE SB 1185.pdf
476 Adopting Fees and Charges for Various Administrative Services.pdf
477 Authorizing Agreement to Receive ODOT Grant Funds First Ave Street Improvements.pdf
478 Classifying Taxes Fees Charges RE Sec 11b Art. XI of Oregon Constitution.pdf
479 Supporting ODOT Imp on Hwy 22 from Joseph Street to Stayton City Limits.pdf
480 Amends Personnel Handbook RE Section 6.3.7 Sick Leave.pdf
481 Declaring Election to Receive State Revenues.pdf
482 Certifying Eligibility to Receive State Shared Revenues.pdf
483 Adopting Various Fees for City Services Repeals 439.pdf
484 Transfer within Gen - Sewer Funds 1991-92.pdf
485 Rules Governing Facility Uses and Est User Fees Repeals 439.pdf
486 Rules of Council.pdf
487 Trans of Appropriations in Gen - Sewer Funds.pdf
488 SDC Increase for Water.pdf
489 SDC Increase for Sewer.pdf
490 Transfer of Appropriations Swimming Pool.pdf
491 Adopt Budget 1992-93.pdf
492 Levy Taxes 1992-93.pdf
493 Adopting Emergency Management Plan.pdf
494 Administrator Eval Process Repeals 398.pdf
495 Proposing 1993 City Charter Amendments.pdf
496 Adopting Fees and Charges for Administrative Servcies Repeals 476.pdf
497 Annexing Property at Fern Ridge Rd at Hwy 22 The Boulders.pdf
498 Advanced Refunding for Water Bonds 1990 A and B.pdf
499 Personnel Manual Amendments.pdf
Download file
Press the enter key or spacebar to expand or collapse the accordion
Resolutions 300 to 399
300 Establishing 9-1-1 Fund.pdf
301 Adopting Proposed Comp Plan Amendment Annexing Property at Fern Ridge Road and Cascade Hwy.pdf
302 Certifying Eligibility to receive State-Shared Revenues.pdf
303 Appropriating Funds from General Fund to Planning Department.pdf
304 Ordering Construction of Sidewalks on Ida from Evergreen to Wilco.pdf
305 Exempting Shop Building Contracts from Competitive Bid Requirements.pdf
306 Encouraging Repeal of Prevailing Wage Rate Law.pdf
307 Designating Marion County Investment Loss Allocation.pdf
308 Declaring Intent to Rezone Property from LD to IL for Stayton Cannery Warehouse.pdf
309 Endorsing Ballot Measures.pdf
310 Ordering Construction of Sidewalks on Ida from Evergreen to Wilco.pdf
311 Authorize Application for Economic Development Grant for Public Safety Building Project.pdf
312 Authorizing Transfer of Appropriations.pdf
313 Adopting Budget Levying Taxes and Making Appropriations.pdf
314 Covering Affirmative Action Policy for Equal Employment Opportunity.pdf
315 Certifying Eligibility to Receive State-Shared Revenues.pdf
316 Authorizing Agreement with ODOT for Replacement of Fourth Avenue Bridge.pdf
317 Instituting Service Charges for Fire Department Assistance to Non-Residents.pdf
318 Recognizing the North Santiam Arts League.pdf
319 Requesting Approval of Marion Polk Yamhill Counties as Economic Development District.pdf
320 Appropriating Additional Funds to the Planning Department of the General Fund.pdf
321 Authorizing Purchasing Agents.pdf
322 Establishing a Special Library Fund.pdf
323 Authorizing Transfer of Appropriations from General Fund to Personal Services Materials and Services Funds.pdf
324 Certifying Eligibility to Receive State-Shared Revenues.pdf
325 Authorizing Transfer of Appropriations from General Fund to Personal Services Materials and Services Funds.pdf
326 Transferring Appropriations from General Operating Fund to Fire Department and Library Funds.pdf
327 Authorizing Mayor to Execute an Agreement with LOC RE League Stats as Unit of Local Government.pdf
328 Forwarding Record of Comp Plan Amendment.pdf
329 Adopting Budget Levying Taxes and Appropriating Funds for Year Beginning July 1 1984.pdf
330 Proposing Annexation of the City of Stayton to the Stayton Rural Fire Protection District.pdf
331 Authorizing Agreement for Installation of Traffic Light at First and Washington.pdf
332 Calling for Election Date for Proposed Annexation of City of Stayton to the Stayton Rural Fire District.pdf
333 Authorizing Initiation of Annexation of Certain Properties South of Washington West of Wilco.pdf
334 Authorizing Agreement to Restripe No-Passing Zones on Horizontal and Vertical Curves.pdf
335 Assuming Federal Obligations Respecting Wilderness Park.pdf
336 Delay Date Desigation for Election RE Proposed Fire District Annexation.pdf
337 Proposing Annexation of the City of Stayton to the Stayton Rural Fire Protection District.pdf
338 Adopt Proposed Amendment to Comp Plan for Annexation of Certain Properties.pdf
339 Appropriating Additional Funds in Fire Department Portion of the General Fund.pdf
340 Approving Agreement with Stayton Rural Fire Protection District for Annexation of Stayton to the Fire District.pdf
341 Initiating Zone Change on Certain Properties from HD to IL Walt Miller.pdf
342 Conditional Approval of UGB Extension West of Golf Club Road south of Hwy 22.pdf
343 Recommending OR Business Development Fund Project Proposal from Mill Creek Lumber.pdf
344 Certifying Eligibility to Recieve State Shared Revenues.pdf
345 Acknowledging Receipt of DLCD Grant and Authorizing Appropriation.pdf
346 Authorizing Transfer of Appropriations in General Street Engineering Funds.pdf
347 Authorizing Transfer of Appropriations within General Fund.pdf
348 Adopting Budget Levying Taxes and Making Appropriations for 1985-86.pdf
349 Amending Personnel Handbook by Eliminating Mandatory Retirement Policies.pdf
350 Supporting Construction of Marion County Jail Facility.pdf
351 Authorizing Transfer of Appropriations within Federal Revenue Sharing Fund.pdf
352 Ordering Construction of Sidewalks on Certain Properties.pdf
353 Appropriating Additional Funds in the Planning Dept.pdf
354 Establishing a Deferred Comp Plan.pdf
355 Creating an LID for Noble Street South of Ida.pdf
356 Authorizing Transfer of Appropriations within General and Engineering Funds.pdf
357 Certifying Eligibility to Receive State Shared Revenues.pdf
358 Adopting Budget Levying Taxes and Making Appropriations for 1986-87.pdf
359 Creating an LID for Third Avenue from Cedar to Fern Ridge Road.pdf
360 Adopting Deferred Comp Plan and Appointing ICMA Retirement as Admin etc.pdf
361 Opposing Measure 5 Legalizing Growth and Possession of Marijuana.pdf
362 Allocating Funds for Library Building Construction.pdf
363 Authorizing Transfer of Appropriations within General Fund.pdf
364 Providing Workers Comp Coverage for Police Volunteers.pdf
365 Amending Ordinance 395 and Establishing New Rates for Solid Waste Collection.pdf
366 Authorizing Transfer of Appropriations within General Fund.pdf
367 Accepting Traffic Signal at First and Washington.pdf
368 Urging Reversal of Policy to Downsize Special State Institutions for Juvenile Offenders.pdf
369 Supporting Improvements to Hwy 22.pdf
370 Opposing Designation of Opal Creek Opal Lake and Breitenbush River as Scenic Waterways.pdf
371 Establishing Criteria and Process for City Administrator Evaluation.pdf
372 Certifying Eligibility to Receive State-Shared Revenues.pdf
373 Authorizing Transfer of Appropriations within Swimming Pool Funds.pdf
374 Authorizing Transfer of Appropriations within Budget for 1986-87.pdf
375 Adopting Budget and Making Appropriations for 1987-88.pdf
376 Adopting Budget and Making Appropriations for 1987-88.pdf
377 Levying Taxes for 1987-88.pdf
378 Consenting Implementation of Marion County Civil Forfeiture Ordinance.pdf
379 Authorizing Purchasing Agents for City.pdf
380 Requesting US Forest Service Retain Multiple-Use Mgmt Plan for Willamette National Forest.pdf
381 Recognizing Fritz Kuedell Retiring Council Member.pdf
382 Establish Parameters for Non-Profit - Civic Organizations to Receive City Funds.pdf
383 Declaring Election to Receive State Revenues.pdf
384 Authorizing Transfer of Appropriations within Water Fund for 1987-88.pdf
385 Establishing Fees for Copies and Public Records Disclosures.pdf
386 Endorsing Marion County Tax Base Request for County Jail.pdf
387 Establishing Terms and Appointing Persons to Planning Commission.pdf
388 Authorizing Transfer of Appropriations in 911 fund for 1987-88.pdf
389 Certifying Eligibility to receive State Shared Revenues.pdf
390 Providing Workers Comp Coverage for Volunteers.pdf
391 Creating an LID on Shaff Rd from Gardner to Douglas.pdf
392 Exempting Public Contract for Purchase of Backhoe from Competitive Bid Require.pdf
393 Initiati