Stayton's Land Use and Development Code requires a number of different types of approvals. Many developments require approval by the Planning Commission, following a public hearing. Some projects, such as zoning map amendments or annexations, require approval by the City Council as well. The City's staff is authorized to approve smaller projects or minor amendments to previously approved developments.
Most commercial uses require approval of a site plan in order to assure conformance with the standards and the availability of adequate public services. The division of a parcel into two or more lots requires approval by the Planning Commission.
The Code requires a preapplication meeting with staff before submission of a land use application. The purpose of the preapplication meeting is to assure the applicant is aware of the standards that will be applied to the project and to identify potential issues of compliance, before the applicant spends substantial funds on consultants in the preparation of plans and submission of an application for approval. Preapplication meetings are held on Tuesday afternoons. A request for a preapplication meeting, with a sketch of the proposal, must be submitted to the Community & Economic Development Department at least 14 days in advance. (Note: A change of use permit, a sign permit, and demolition notification do not require a preapplication meeting.)
The City Council has adopted a Land Use Application Fee Schedule designed to assure that applicants pay for the costs of processing and application.
Application forms and the fee schedule may be downloaded by following the links below.
Forms may be completed on your computer and submitted electronically to the Community & Economic Development Department. Attachments, plans and supplemental information may be submitted in a subsequent email. Fee payment with a credit card may accepted over the phone.
Please contact the Community & Economic Development Department if you have any questions or need assistance.