Chief Gwen Johns was promoted to the Police Chief position in November 2022. She began with the Stayton Police Department in May 2020. While earning a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in Psychology from Western Oregon University, Chief Johns began her career in Marion County, gaining training and experience working with Marion County Parole and Probation. She served as a police officer for the cities of Newberg and Dundee for 26-1/2 years. During her years with NDPD, she was a Field Training Officer, D.A.R.E. officer, Emergency Vehicle Operator Instructor, Training Coordinator, Deputy Medical Examiner, FTEP coordinator, ran a local youth safety camp (Safety Town), and served on the agency's honor guard. Chief Johns served as a Sergeant for NDPD for 16 years. Since 2008, she's been a driving instructor at DPSST, Oregon's police academy. Additionally, she has been a volunteer with Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR) and the Special Olympics of Oregon since 1995, and volunteering a week each summer as a youth camp counselor at Camp Rosenbaum since 2003.