City Boards and Commissions

In order to operate a City and represent the citizens of the entire community, the City Council relies on a number of boards, committees and commissions to help them understand the needs and desires of the community. The boards, committees or commissions are important to the operation of the City because they provide valuable insight and serve as an advisory to the City Council or to City staff.

All members of the City's boards, committees, and commissions are volunteers appointed by the Mayor and ratified by the Council.  If you would like more information or have specific questions about serving on any of the City of Stayton committees, please email us at

You may also download the application below and submit it to to be considered for membership on one of the City's boards or commissions. 

  • There are no vacant positions on the Parks and Recreation Board.

    The Parks and Recreation Board is responsible for developing and maintaining parks and recreation programs, and serves as an advisory board to the City Council. 

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  • There are no vacant positions on the Budget Committee. 

    The Budget Committee meets annually to review the proposed fiscal year budget. Typically meetings occur in May, with a total of three to four meetings. The Committee is comprised of the Mayor and City Council, plus six community members. 

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  • There are THREE open positions on the Public Arts Commission.  

    The purpose of the Commission is to promote educational, cultural, economic and general welfare of Stayton by actively pursuing the placement of public art in public spaces within Stayton city limits while also serving to preserve and develop public access to the arts. The Commission is responsible for assisting the Council and other City boards and commissions in using public art to enhance existing development in public parks, and other public lands, and in public structures.

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  • There are no open positions on the Planning Commission.

    The Planning Commission is responsible for reviewing development proposals and making recommendations to the City Council regarding City policies on growth and development.

    The Planning Commission does have a student position. While it is a non-voting position, it provides valuable experience for the student and gives the student and opportunity to give input on local issues.

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  • There are no open positions on the Library Board.  

    The Library Board is made up of five citizens, one of which can be a citizen who resides outside city limits, but is served by the Stayton Public Library. The Library Board is responsible for overseeing the operations of the Stayton Public Library.

    If you are interested in a position on the Library Board, please contact the Library Director at (503) 769-3313 for further information or submit the Board / Commission application at the top of this page. 

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