Stayton City Charter

You can download a full PDF version of the City Charter by clicking here.

Stayton Municipal Code

Below you will find Stayton's Municipal Code.

You can also download a full PDF version of the code by clicking here.

To file a Code Enforcement Complaint, fill out the form here.

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Press the enter key or spacebar to expand or collapse the accordion

Press the enter key or spacebar to expand or collapse the accordion

Press the enter key or spacebar to expand or collapse the accordion

Press the enter key or spacebar to expand or collapse the accordion

Press the enter key or spacebar to expand or collapse the accordion

Press the enter key or spacebar to expand or collapse the accordion

Press the enter key or spacebar to expand or collapse the accordion

Press the enter key or spacebar to expand or collapse the accordion

Press the enter key or spacebar to expand or collapse the accordion

Press the enter key or spacebar to expand or collapse the accordion

Press the enter key or spacebar to expand or collapse the accordion