Stayton Police Forms, Resources and Events

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  • Do you have prescription drugs you need to dispose of?

    The Stayton Police Department has Deterra pouches which offer a safe and convenient way to deactivate prescription drugs and safely dispose of in the normal trash.

    For more information, please contact the Stayton Police at (503) 769-3423.

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  • The City of Stayton uses Everbridge to send out emergency alerts to our community members. There are several ways to sign-up:

    Scan the QR code on the photo to the right, or Go to the app store on your cell phone and search “Everbridge” to sign up for emergency alerts on your phone.

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  • Project Child Safe is a gun-violence prevention initiative to help prevent gun accidents with children. Through this program, the Stayton Police Department is able to provide free gun locks and firearm safety education to everyone.

    If you own a gun or have one in your home, you can obtain a free gun lock from the Stayton Police Department. For more information, please contact the Stayton Police at (503) 769-3423.

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  • If you have a suspicion that your child is using drugs, help is just a phone call away. The Stayton Police Department can test your child in a strictly confidential way. All information is kept between you and your child. It goes no further. No information is kept by the Police Department.

    The negative impacts of drug abuse touch all of us, from every walk of life, in every community.... no one is exempt. That is why the law enforcement community in conjunction with other community partners created Parent Aid.

    Parent Aid is a simple, quick and confidential urinalysis drug testing program designed to help identify drug abuse before disaster strikes. The testing is free of charge to a parent of any child under 18 years of age.

    To learn more, please contact the Stayton Police Department at (503) 769-3423.

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  • The Take Me Home Program is a voluntary, local photo-based information system used by the City of Stayton Police Department. It is designed to assist during contact with members of the community who have disabilities such as Autism, Dementia, Alzheimer's, Down Syndrome, or any other developmental disability. The program promotes communication and gives law enforcement access to critical information concerning the enrolled individual.

    The Take Me Home Program provides emergency contact information, physical description, known routines, and special needs of the enrolled individual. This information can assist law enforcement in communicating with, locating a residence, or handling an emergency involving an individual with special needs.

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  • If a child is in need of a free bike helmet, they may come to the police department lobby during open hours or ask a police officer they may encounter out in the public.

    We are happy to accommodate these requests and want all kids to operate bikes, scooters, and skateboards while safe and protected.

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Community Events

  • Coffee with a Cop brings police officers and the community members they serve together–over coffee–to discuss issues and learn more about each other.

    The mission of Coffee with a Cop is to break down the barriers between police officers and the citizens they serve.

    Stayton hosts Coffee with a Cop events quarterly. Visit our City Calendar to view upcoming dates and locations. 

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  • Kids Safety Town is a weeklong camp for kids in kindergarten and 1st grader to learn about everyday safety and what to do is certain situation. 

    The camp includes professionals that will teach them about road, fire, water, natural disaster, and household safety. In partnership with the Stayton Public Library and the Stayton Police Department, the campers will be able to participate in activities and lessons that will help them better understand the important of safety and implement what they learn for a safer future.

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  • National Night Out is a celebration for neighbors to get together and enjoy food and fellowship with our local police officers. The Stayton Police Department is proud to be a National Night Out participant. The event is held annually on the 1st Tuesday in August. 

    If you are hosting a National Night Out event in your neighborhood, you can let us know by visiting: 

    If you have questions about National Night Out, please contact the Stayton Police Department at (503) 769-3423.

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  • Annually, the Stayton Police department joins law enforcement personnel from around Marion County for the Shop with a Cop program.

    Shop With a Cop is a nationally known program throughout the United States. It provides an opportunity for police officers to engage young people in a positive environment and helps build relations with community members that are unable to afford kid's school clothing and holiday gifts due to financial restraints.

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