Stayton’s existing storm drain system is composed of roughly 15 miles of pipe, 8 miles of open channel excluding the Salem Ditch, Power Canal, and Mill Creek. There are also about 650 catch basins, 20 detention facilities, and 38 major outfalls to receiving water bodies.
The storm drain system was delineated into six major drainage basins.
In 2010 the City of Stayton adapted the City of Portland's Stormwater Management Plan for the City's stormwater design standards. This was done in an effort to provide methodologies to reduce stormwater runoff and to improve the water quality of the stormwater runoff before it enters the downstream ditches, creeks, streams, and rivers.
As part of managing stormwater throughout the City, the Stayton Land Use and Development Code includes restrictions on the removal of vegetation along the North Santiam River, Mill Creek, the Salem Ditch, and the Stayton Power Canal. See Stayton Municipal Code Title 17.16.090 for a description of the Natural Resource Overlay District and Title 17.20.080 for restriction on riparian vegetation removal. Contact the Community and Economic Development Department for additional information on the land use code’s restrictions on riparian vegetation.
All new development in the City will be required to meet these stormwater management requirements prior to any permits being issued.