Shaff Road / Golf Club Roundabout

Shaff Rc/Golf Club Roundabout

Shaff Road and Golf Club Roundabout
The Shaff Road/Golf Club Road intersection, in NW Stayton, will be used increasingly to support industrial uses located on and around the west side of Stayton.  The intersection is currently all-way stop controlled and operates at an acceptable level of service.

In an effort to proactively plan for and support existing and future businesses, the City entered into a contract with Kittelson & Associates, Inc. to undertake the design of the improvements to this intersection.

As part of the Transportation System Plan (TSP) update in 2019, this intersection was noted to need intersection control upgrades to improve traffic flow. Four alternatives were evaluated for this location: 

  • a no-build alternative in which no changes are made to the existing intersection,   
  • a single-lane roundabout,  
  • a traffic signal with the addition of an eastbound left-turn lane, and  
  • a traffic signal with the addition of an eastbound left-turn lane and realignment of the southbound approach to smooth the horizontal curve.
Through the TSP update process, the roundabout was selected as the preferred alternative, which was supported by the public, project advisory committee, and ultimately city council.  It was determined that the roundabout would be the most efficient from both a cost and traffic management standpoint. The estimated cost of a roundabout and a full signalized intersection were similar.


Roundabout Field Test

