Stayton Public Library News

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Celebrate Native American Heritage Month



In celebration of Native American Heritage Month we've created lists that highlight books from Indigenous voices. We have selections for AdultsChildren, and Teens.


Stayton Public Library recognizes that it sits on the ancestral home of the Santiam tribe of the Kalpuyan people. Under the Willamette Valley Treaty of 1855, which gave all the Willamette Valley to the U.S., the indigenous inhabitants of the land were forcibly removed. Present day most of the Kalapuyan people belong to the Confederated Tribes of Grande Ronde.

For more information on the Kalapuyan people check out the following:

Kalapuyan Tribal History, from Dr. David G. Lewis, anthropologist
Kalapuyan Peoples, from The Oregon Encyclopedia
Kalapuya: Native Americans of the Willamette Valley, Oregon, research guide from Lane Community College

Adult books by Indigenous authors Childrens Books by Indigenous authors Teen books by Indigenous authors